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Module 4 Question 5

Module 4 Question 5

Q Discussion Topic Read Psalm 51, which was written by King David after he was confronted by Nathan the prophet, as we examined in the follow up question last week. Point out two examples of parallelism. The first one that shows David's repentance. The second one that show David's hope in God's grace.

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Hi Professor & Classmates, After reading Psalm 51, by King David, make me realize that God’s love and grace is bigger than our sins. He is the only one who can turn our sins into good deeds. It is His blessing that David knows that he doesn’t deserve the forgiveness, so he calls on the God’s character of mercy to get rid of his sins. The two examples of Parallelism are; 1. David’s Repentance Psalm 51:7 “Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow” This verse shows the repentance of David, who knows that he has done the greatest sin, therefore, he is asking for forgiveness of God and praying to be purified and clean from all sins.